where vintage lenses live on.

Tag: Exakta

  • Canon OM 50mm f1.9 Lens Review

    Canon OM 50mm f1.9 Lens Review

    Canon OM 50mm f1.9 is an unusual, rare lens – created through a unique collaboration between Mamiya, Canon, and Osawa – resulting in a Canon lens for the Exakta mount sold only alongside a Mamiya 35mm SLR camera body.  Build, Ergonomics and Radioactivity Canon OM 50mm f1.9 is built like a tank. I have used…

  • Mamiya Sekor 58mm f1.7 Lens Review

    Mamiya Sekor 58mm f1.7 Lens Review

    Mamiya Sekor 58mm f1.7 is another vintage lens from the 1960s – having a somewhat rare focal length and aperture combination, producing soft bokeh and strong object separation.  History and versions Mamiya Sekor 58mm f1.7 F.C. – Exakta mount Mamiya Sekor 58mm f1.7 F.C., released in 1961, alongside the Mamiya’s first production SLR camera –…

  • E. Ludwig Meritar 50mm f2.9 Review

    E. Ludwig Meritar 50mm f2.9 Review

    E. Ludwig Meritar 50mm f2.9 was the entry-level option for the Ihagee Exakta line of cameras and cost only 59 Deutschmarks back in 1959. For comparison, another standard Exakta lens – a Biotar 58mm f2 cost six times as much. Given it was considered a cheap lens at a time, I was not expecting too…